The benefits of singing on our mood and mental health have been long established and we are definitely having a great time in choir this term. We are developing our confidence in singing as part of a group, learning to find our own voice and are very proud of the beautiful music we are making together. We are making sure we do our warm up each week, love making actions for the ‘Bungalow ‘ song and get very warm singing Rubber Chicken! At the moment, we are having fun learning songs to share with our friends in school and the wider community, as we look towards the Christian celebration of Easter. The children are learning to sing in parts and using echo to enhance the songs we have chosen. We are also learning songs from some of our favourite musicals. While singing these songs we are thinking about the feelings we want to present to our audience and how we can change the tone of our voice to achieve this. We are looking forward to performing these wonderful songs and showcasing our developing skills.
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