Headteacher’s Welcome




Welcome to the Whinmoor St Paul’s C of E Primary School website, which we hope will give you an insight into who we are. I hope that you will feel Whinmoor St Paul’s Primary is the school you wish to choose for your child. If you’re a parent/carer choosing a school – do come and visit us. You will be assured of a warm welcome and we take great pleasure in showing families around!


An enthusiastic and inclusive environment

Our vision for Whinmoor St Paul’s is to ensure our children develop an enthusiasm for learning. We can only do this when our children feel happy, secure and supported in every aspect of school life. For this reason, our most important aim is to be an inclusive school that strives to meet the needs of all children.


Children have just one childhood; we believe their primary school experience should be magical and wondrous, filled with inspirational and unforgettable learning experiences. We aspire for our children to have special and happy memories of their time here and value highly the positive relationships we have built between children, families, staff, governors and our neighbouring communities. Our vision is to ensure that all our children receive a high quality, well-rounded education that raises aspiration and focuses on high expectation, inspiring our children to take every opportunity to move forward in life and learning.


A Christian ethos

As a Church of England school, we keep God and faith at the centre of all we do. We share the belief that every child is a unique child of God and this is tangible from the moment you set foot in our school. We encourage all children to engage with their faith and provide opportunities for collective worship and celebration. We teach children how to put their beliefs into practice in a modern world, but as part of our inclusive nature, we recognise and celebrate religious and cultural diversity within our school. Christian faith is not compulsory, and we welcome families from all religious or non-religious backgrounds.


Our curriculum

Children get one chance with their education and at Whinmoor St Paul’s Primary we want this to be the best. Our curriculum is ambitious & carefully tailored to ensure it is knowledge-rich, sequential and ultimately prepares our children well for their future – the future adult members of our society.


All areas of the curriculum are celebrated and we pride ourselves on the wider curriculum activities and opportunities that we provide our children with. The Arts, sports, school visits and musical opportunities are an important element of our curriculum and successes in these areas are evident as soon as you step into our school. Here at Whinmoor St Paul’s Primary we aim to prepare your children for a future full of learning which will enable them to play a full and active part in the world they inherit. Our Christian and British Values support our academic successes and will be key factors in your children’s future lives; we look forward to seeing them flourish within our secure and happy environment.

Let your Light Shine!

There is a driving determination to ensure that children and adults in the school reach their full potential. We believe that both children and adults should have opportunities to ‘let their light shine’ – we have a strong passion for developing your child’s creative ability and believe that we should celebrate your child’s talents in all areas of the curriculum. We know that learning should not be compartmentalised and strive to use real purpose for learning to enthuse your child. It is important that children are acknowledged for their individuality and that this is celebrated. We believe that everyone is on an everlasting learning journey. Adults and children at Whinmoor St Paul’s Primary ‘strive to be the best’ that we can be in everything we do, so that we can significantly impact the learning of ourselves and others. We want to ensure that we are constantly adapting to meet the needs of all of our learners in this exciting and ever-changing society – ensuring that we are the best that we can be.


Mrs Vaughan
