Home Learning

 On this page you will find links to many educational websites which feature age related learning tasks.  We recommend looking  at BBC Bitesize and Oak Academy.  In addition, please visit the year group page, where you will find curriculum links and other learning guides to support learning at home.

The Ultimate Guide for children, young people and families: 

Child Friendly Leeds have put together the ultimate guide for children, young people and families . This includes fun and exciting activities and things to do at home, advice and guidance for families during lockdown including health and well-being, links to websites and apps which feature virtual sessions, educational and fun learning resources for all ages and a competitions page! Although we are no longer living through lockdown, some of the ideas and activities are still relevant and make for very enjoyable learning! 


The resources in our educational and fun learning blog have been compiled to support teachers, parents/carers as well as young people to access websites and app to add and support them with their remote education. It includes useful guides, activities, resources in specific areas such as climate change, history of Leeds, emotional health as well as fun learning links.


English Resources



Home Learning Programs

BBC Bitesize Homepage

Oak National Academy


Top Marks

The Top Marks website has lots of free, fun games and resources to try and use there is also a parents help section.