Parent/Carer Voice
On the week commencing the 4th November 2024, a Parent/Carer Survey was given to our families.
Here is the list of outcomes and actions:
Question | Percentage that said
Neutral/Agree/Strongly/Agree |
Actions |
My child is happy at school
My child feels safe in school
(2% stated that they did not know)
Continue to make Safeguarding a key item on the newsletter to families.
Continue to reinforce how we keep the children safe via our preventative curriculum.
Collect Pupil Voice at the start of the Spring term.
The newly implemented Class Dojo is an effective behaviour reward system
(2% stated that they did not know)
Staff will continue to recognise and praise positive behaviour using the Class Dojo System.
School makes sure that it’s pupils are well behaved
(4% stated that they did not know).
Continue to highlight and promote the use of Class Dojo and the learning traits of courage, kindness, curiosity, co-operation and perseverance.
My child has been bullied and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively
(5% stated that they ‘did not know’)
School makes me aware of what my child will learn over the academic year
96% | (2% stated that they ‘did not know’)
Staff will continue to celebrate children’s learning via Twitter.
SLT will continue to raise the profile of the school website and the curriculum and class pages that have detailed descriptions of what children are learning each half term. Pictures of learning are also put on class pages frequently. Half termly newsletters are sent out to families.
Class Dojo Story Page is also used to celebrate what the children have been learning.
The school supports my child’s wider personal development
97% | SLT to carry out a Pupil Voice Survey to which areas/subjects/activities they would like as after school clubs.
I would recommend this school to another parent/carer | 99% | We strive to make the school a welcoming place for all parents and carers. Occasionally, there will be times when issues arise that need to be addressed and the outcome may not be what a parent/carer agrees with. We always work with parents /carers for the best outcomes for their children.