
Our Governing Body is made up of representatives from a variety of groups within our Community. These include parents, church representatives and staff members.

Mrs R. Davies (Foundation Governor)

  • Chair of Governors
  • Phonics and Early Reading
  • Health and Safety
  • Headteacher Performance Management
  • Early Years 

I’ve been a governor at Whinmoor St Paul’s for many years. I volunteered for the post on retiring from being a headteacher. I had the most amazing hard working governors in my last school and felt I wanted to return the favour and help out – if I could. I’m originally from the ‘wrong’ side of the Pennines and have lived all over the place. I have now happily settled in sunny Leeds with hubby and mad border collie. I’m now a granny – a fabulous job, I recommend it to anyone. Being a governor is quite an honour as you are helping shape the school lives our most important people. I love coming in to school and working with the children, seeing our decisions and policies put into practice.

Mrs H. Kitching (Foundation Governor)

  • Vice Chair
  • Attendance
  • SEND
  • Head Teacher Performance Management
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection

I have been a governor at Whinmoor St. Paul’s for many years and hold the position of Vice Chair. I support school in many ways, including being lead governor for Child Protection and Safeguarding. I enjoy volunteering on a weekly basis, hearing children read across all classes and attending Collective Worship on Friday mornings. I enjoy supporting all school events, attending meetings and being part of the interview panels. I am always ready to be a ‘listening ear’, providing support as and when it is needed.

Mrs Lydia Anchen (Parent Governor)

  • Chair of Teaching and Learning/ Pupil Support Committee
  • Government grant funding

As a parent governor at Whinmoor St Pauls Primary School I have been privileged to see first-hand the important role that school plays in supporting children and families. I am married and have two children who attend Whinmoor, and both enjoy their time in school.

I have worked in Leeds for 15 years supporting multi-agency strategic partnerships for vulnerable people. I work as a Commissioning Manager within the Children and Families Service at Leeds City Council and I also chair the Women’s Voice Staff Network.

I am confident in asking questions and challenging where appropriate. I have experience working with different stakeholders and holding them accountable for performance and decisions made. I use these skills as a parent governor to support the school in monitoring and evaluating progress toward its priorities and targets.

In my spare time, I enjoy helping out in the children’s groups and clubs at the church that I am a member of and spending time with my family and friends.

Mrs Emma Ramsden (Parent Governor)

  • Maths 

Revd. Kate Butler (FoundationGovernor)

  • Wellbeing
  • Equalities

I joined the governing body in the Spring of 2023, having moved to Whinmoor to serve my curacy (apprentice vicar training) in the Parish of Seacroft, Whinmoor and Swarcliffe in June 2022.

Prior to training to become a parish priest in the Church of England, I worked for a charity in Bradford, a church in London and for eleven years I was a primary school teacher in Birmingham and Dhaka, Bangladesh.

One of the great joys of my curacy has been developing a wonderful relationship with the staff and children at Whinmoor St. Paul’s. It is always a great joy and pleasure working alongside the staff and children of St. Paul’s.



Staff Governors

Mrs K. Wallis (Staff Governor)

  • Year 6 Teacher 

I have been privileged to teach at Whinmoor St Paul’s Church of England Primary School for the past two years and I am honoured to be part of our governing body. I am whole heartedly committed to the school and to our community. I look forward to being part of Whinmoor St Paul’s journey as we move forward and see the school grow in the arms of God.


Contacting the local governing body


We hope that you will be very happy with your child’s education. If, however, you have cause for complaint, please contact the class teacher in the first instance. If you still have concerns, these should be brought to the attention of the Headteacher and subsequently the Chair of Governors.


For more information about becoming a Governor or getting involved with the Governing body please click below for an information document.

Governors – getting involved

Governor Documents